Sunday, November 07, 2004

Programming Note: CNBC Wednesday Nov 10

I do not do advertisement for network TV but CNBC will run a report on WalMart on Wednesday Nov 10 at 7PM ET. I think it is crucial to understand WMT since the decisions and direction of WalMart have very far reaching consequences. WalMart is the largest non-governmental employer in the U.S. which can affect everything from health insurance providers to unionized competitors like ABS and SWY. Its purchasing power affects not only U.S. powerhouses like PG or K but entire nations like China and Taiwan. Its IT budget is far greater than any one else and its adoption of new technologies like RFID have long-term implications. Having a understanding of WMT is crucial for all investors (foe or friends of the WalMart way).

I am not making a political statement about what is good or bad about WalMart, I have no affiliation with either side of that debate.


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